As an energetic form of medicine, where an energetic substance has an impact on our energetic body, it is helpful to understand what the vital force we often refer to in homeopathy actually is.
Firstly, let’s begin with the zinc spark. This spark occurs at a cellular level, it is described as an explosion of zinc from an egg that can be seen under a microscope using a fluorescent probe. The spark occurs the moment an egg is fertilised, the moment conception occurs.
This flash of light is thought to be the moment the energetic frequency from both the egg and sperm (the energetic inheritance from both the mother and the father) enters the cells of the zygote. The energetic blueprint of the emerging embryo is formed, and the development of the baby continues, with no conscious effort from the mother. This energetic frequency, or vital force stays with a baby beyond the womb and birth, it remains with us all throughout life to maintain homeostasis. The vital force is responsible for eliciting healing within the body. If you get a cut and it bleeds, the body begins to repair and heal itself, with no conscious effort. This is the vital force working to achieve balance and harmony within the cells of the body.
In Chinese medicine, the flow of energy is referred to as Qi, in Ayurvedic Medicine It is referred to as Prana. In Homeopathy, we call this flow of energy the Vital Force